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Guide to Bachelor's Degrees in General Business in Minnesota

Although you can specialize within a specific area in business administration such as marketing or finance, you can also get a general business administration or management degree. A more general degree can add value to your career path while maintaining flexibility for your future business career. You have several options for getting a bachelor's degree in general business administration or management in Minnesota. As shown below, this website provides a "one-stop" location from which you can review them to make an informed decision. General business administration and/or management roles can include: ensuring the efficient operation and successful performance of business operations; managing people so that they are motivated and productive; tracking and managing an organization's financial resources; developing and executing on strategic goals; and providing leadership for specialized functions within a business including financial management, human resources management, operations management, marketing and sales, information technology management, intellectual property management, managing investor relations, and strategic management.

One of the options for a bachelors degree in business in Minnesota, Concordia University is a private, four-year, not-for-profit university located in St. Paul, Minnesota. Concordia University's degree programs at the undergraduate level include a bachelors degree with a major in Business (Accelerated). One of the options for a bachelors degree in business in Minnesota, St. Mary's University (of Minnesota) is a private nonprofit university with campuses in the Twin Cities and Winona. St. Mary's offers a B.S. in Business Administration with a concentration in the field of the field of Management. One of the options for a bachelors degree in business in Minnesota, Metropolitan State University is a public university located in St. Paul, Minnesota. Metropolitan State University offers a bachelors degree with a major in Business Administration. One of the options for a bachelors degree in business in Minnesota, Rasmussen College is a private nonprofit multi-state college with Minnesota campuses in Blaine, Bloomington, Brooklyn Park/Maple Grove, Eagan, Lake Elmo/Woodbury, Mankato, Moorhead, and St. Cloud. Rasmussen College offers a bachelors degree through its School of Business with a concentration in the field of Business Management.

Concordia University is a private nonprofit university located in St. Paul, Minnesota. Concordia University's degree programs include a bachelors degree with a major in the field of Business Management. St. Catherine University is a private, four-year, not-for-profit university in St. Paul, Minnesota. St. Catherine University's School of Business and Professional Studies offers a bachelors degree with a major in Business Administration ((Introduction, Course Guide). Bethel University is a private nonprofit university with a campus in St. Paul, Minnesota. Bethel University's bachelors-level programs designed for adult learners include a degree in Business Management. Bethel University is a private nonprofit university located in St. Paul, Minnesota. Bethel University's offers business and management bachelors-level degrees through its Department of Business and Economics including a concentration in Economics and Finance.

Capella University is a private, four-year, for-profit, multi-state online university headquartered in Minnesota. Capella University 's programs include a bachelors-level degree with a concentration in the field of Business Administration. Augsburg College is a private nonprofit college with a campus in the Twin Cities. Augsburg's programs include bachelors offered through its Department of Business Administration including a major in Management. Concordia College is a private, four-year university in Moorhead, Minnesota. Concordia's business programs at the undergraduate level, including those through the Offutt School of Business, offer a major in Business Education. One of the options for a bachelors degree in business in Minnesota, Augsburg College is a private, four-year, not-for-profit college located in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Augsburg's programs include bachelors offered through its Department of Business Administration including a major in Business Administration/Economics. Saint Cloud State University is a public, four-year university located in Saint Cloud, Minnesota. Saint Cloud State University's Herberger Business School offers a bachelors degree with a major/emphasis in Industrial Management.

One of the options for a bachelors degree in business in Minnesota, Capella University is a for-profit multi-state online university headquartered in Minnesota. Capella University 's programs include a bachelors-level degree with a concentration in the field of Business Intelligence. Augsburg College is a private nonprofit college with a campus in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Augsburg's programs include bachelors offered through its Department of Business Administration including a major in Management. Saint Cloud State University is a public, four-year university in Saint Cloud, Minnesota. Saint Cloud State University's Herberger Business School offers a bachelors degree with a major/emphasis in Business (General). Hamline University is a private nonprofit university in St. Paul, Minnesota. Hamline University's programs through the Hamline School of Business include a Bachelor of Business Administration with a concentration in the field of General Business. Hamline University is a private nonprofit university with a campus in St. Paul, Minnesota. Hamline University's programs through the Hamline School of Business include a Bachelor of Business Administration with a concentration in Management. One of the options for a bachelors degree in business in Minnesota, Concordia College is a private, four-year university with a campus in Moorhead, Minnesota. Concordia's business programs at the undergraduate level, including several through the Offutt School of Business, offer a major in Business. One of the options for a bachelors degree in business in Minnesota, Augsburg College is a private nonprofit college located in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Augsburg's programs include bachelors offered through its Department of Business Administration including a major in Business Administration/Economics.

St. Catherine University is a private, four-year, not-for-profit university located in St. Paul, Minnesota. St. Catherine University's School of Business and Professional Studies offers a bachelors with a major in Business Management (Introduction, Course Guide). Minnesota State University (Mankato) is a public, four-year university located in Mankato, Minnesota. Minnesota State University (Mankato) offers through its College of Business a bachelors degree with a major/ minor in Management. One of the options for a bachelors degree in business in Minnesota, Saint Cloud State University is a public, four-year university located in Saint Cloud, Minnesota. Saint Cloud State University's Herberger Business School offers a bachelors degree with a major/emphasis in Business Economics. The University of St. Thomas is a private nonprofit university with campuses in Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota. St. Thomas' offers a bachelors degree through the Opus College of Business with a major in Business Administration and a concentration in General Business Mgmt. Metropolitan State University is a public university with a campus in St. Paul, Minnesota. Metropolitan State University's degree programs include a bachelors degree with a major in Management. The University of St. Thomas is a private, four-year, not-for-profit university located in Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota. St. Thomas' offers a bachelors degree through its Opus College of Business with a major in Business Administration and a concentration in General Business Mgmt.

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